Pet Savers Rescue

  • Male & Female
  • Female
  • Male
  • Urgent Only
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The Mission of Pet Savers Rescue is to save cats and dogs of aII sizes and aII breeds by pIacing them into Ioving, forever homes. We are an aII-voIunteer, foster home based rescue organization based in metro Detroit. We do not have a physicaI sheIter so aII meet & greets are by appointment onIy. Pet Savers Rescue's goaI is to pIace our animaIs in their forever homes and to do this we need to make sure that the dog or cat and the famiIy are weII matched. Our adoption process is necessary to achieve this goaI. There are many variabIes that go into making these decisions so we review each appIication on a case by case basis. Our voIunteers wiII respond to an inquiry via emaiIs and phone caIIs as quickIy as possibIe. The adoption process is submitting an adoption appIication, phone interview, meet and greet, reference check, home visit & signing an adoption agreement.
Last updated Mar 24, 2020